The Cyclone's New Year Demo (1989)
Since Sunnyboy and Nexus 6 did all the coding and left the
graphics part to me. I felt the need to code something for myself. So I
decided to do a project on my own. The whole demo is not exactly what you
would call stunning, but the process of coding this demo improved my
coding skills a lot. Since I had problems with my electrical equipment on
new years eve, the demo had been finished on Jan. 2nd 1990. You can read
the details in the scrollers.
I hadn't intended to release it to the public, but I gave it to some
friends and so it happened that this little demo had been spreaded. It had
been included in some compilation disks like POV (Persistance of Vision)
disk 99. The demo is called "Trolls New Year" there, you
can download the POV disk 99
from PaciDemo.
The demo consisted of 6 screens which had been done in a hurry. Above
you see the welcome screen. The lower border had been removed. There was
palette animation (wow), a horizontal distorted Troll logo (that looked
like hell). Besides there had been a XY-distorted Cyclone logo and some
This is the main menu, I think it's the best screen of the whole demo.
There is a lot of movement on the screen and I still got all the blue
rastertime left. I simply didn't know what to add because I had been
satisfied with the result.
The picture above shows the greetings-screen. Instead of naming all the
crews in the scroller I cracked their demos and ripped the needed logos to
send the greetings in a different way. The lower border had been removed.
There is a scroller, a disting text, some sprites and a synchronized
Troll-logo that fakes an overscan in the upper screen.
The hall of fame should be called the hall of shame. It's a lame screen
with some nice looking rasters and sprites. I had some serious problems
with movem and timer B at that time. It's a very old screen which should
have been the hiscore-list for our abandoned jump and run game.
Well what should I say, Sunnyboy and Nexus 6 nearly killed me when
they saw that screen :-) but, the girl mentioned in that screen is still
my girlfriend (since 1987) and we have two very nice children today. There
is a reset Demo hidden behind this screen, which reveals some interesting
but maybe dangerous effects. To force the anxious guys to switch off their
computers the scrolltext in that reset demo isn't very nice. The effects
are activated by pressing some keys at the end of the scrolltext. I guess
you have never seen your drivelight illuminated to this brightness before.
Unfortunately you won't see that on any emulator. Don't use the screen
killer, it's really dangerous on real hardware.
The picture in the reset demo was ripped from the game "Teenage
Queen" and it was "improved" a bit :) by me. The joke on
that thing is. I wanted that picture from the TCB loading screen when I
saw it. And because I didn't own that game, I began to hack into the Cuddly demo when one
day later some pal from the university dropped a
pile of disks on my desk. Guess, which game was on one of those disks. It
would have saved me some work if he came up with it one day earlier.
The Multiscroll is a cover of one of the Union Demo-screens, but this
one comes with 6 bit samples generated by the crappiest hardware ever
(sounds like hell). It had been my 1st and last attempt to produce sound
on the ST. When I coded this screen I thought I had beaten the Union, but
that's certainly not the case. Yes I play a crappy sample yes I have two
more scrollers, but I can't change the speed of the scrolltexts. (You can
change the speed and direction of the three background layers with Numpad
1-3 to select the layer and cursor left/right to increase/decrease the
speed afterwards) It would be not problem on a ST with one megabyte to
include the variable scrollspeeds, but it is a problem on a half meg
If you want to take a look at my very first demo, just download the Cyclones
New Year Demo 89/90.
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